juve monza coppa italia 1

PRESS ROOM | The interviews after Juve-Monza

PRESS ROOM | The interviews after Juve-Monza
PRESS ROOM | The interviews after Juve-Monza
PRESS ROOM | The interviews after Juve-Monza


«We needed to bounce back after the Napoli game. The lads turned in an excellent performance, so we're pleased. The Coppa Italia is important to us. Our focus could've been better for the goal that we let in, but we're definitely happy overall. The substitutions came on at the right time to help us get through. The youngsters have now shown on several occasions that they're ready to play in the first team on a regular basis. They inject the side with freshness, energy and technical quality».


«2022 was a tough year. I’m now just focusing on getting back into form. I have to play, get minutes under my belt and get back into the rhythm of playing twice a week, which I haven’t done for a long time. I’m putting all of my strength into it to help my team-mates out. We played badly in Naples and weren’t aggressive. Monza played well tonight, but we stayed focused throughout. We have top players who can make a telling impact, but we have to play better overall and raise the bar. We’re now focusing on Atalanta, which will be a key game. We want to get Juve back to where the club deserves to be».

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