
Press Room | Comments after Juventus Women-Napoli

Press Room | Comments after Juventus Women-Napoli
Press Room | Comments after Juventus Women-Napoli
Press Room | Comments after Juventus Women-Napoli

Coach Joe Montemurro's comments

“The goal we conceded at the end is an example of those things that we have to fully focus on. We need to take advantage of even games like this when the result is no longer in question, we have to work on those aspects of being attentive, which I care a lot about. We need to avoid those lapses in concentration, but overall I’m pleased with the performance. We played well in the first half, and then things changed in the second and we weren’t as effective but I have to say well done to the girls.

“We’ve had three important games this week, and we also had the chance to experiment a little in attack. Our way of understanding attacking football is to search for space, and not to be so positional, and I’m happy with the movement today. Of course, having so many options up front gives you a headache trying to decide who to play, but it’s a privilege to have so many options to choose from.

“I believe in the Scudetto. We have 24 points to play for, and we have a lot of direct head-to-head games to play as well. I’m sorry for what’s happened so far in Serie A, but I can’t complain about the girls’ efforts and we’ll believe until the very end. We’ve matured a lot, we know how to read different phases of the game, and we’ve worked on a lot of different things. In order to grow further, we need to work on those small details, but we will see the fruits of this work in the future.”

Lindsey Thomas' comments

“We are high-level professionals, and coming to play at an important club like Juventus we always have to be on the ball and at the coach’s disposal. That’s why I work hard and accept the decisions made. When I have the chance to play I try to give my best, always aware that the only goal is to win and take this club as high as we can.

“We’re always focused, I’d happily play in any position along the attack, it’s up to the coach where to play me. If I can help the team by playing on the right or in the centre then I’m available to do so.

“Individual satisfaction only comes after the team, and the thing I think about first is winning, then scoring. If my teammates can help me to score, then all the better.

“I hugged Barbara Bonansea after my goal because we are all united, regardless of who starts on the pitch or who starts on the bench.”

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